Help is on the way

Words to encourge me and mine through the years

We Gave Thanks

We Gave Thanks
Our family on Thanksgiving 2008

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Had to blog today ! This is a cool day ! I'm feeling better , but stil not up to snuff . Fixed chicken in crock pot !!
Tommorow is the twins birthday !! Can't believe they are 2 . I love u both to the moon and back

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Pain is still here off and on !

Today is Tuesday ! Still having pain in uterus and back ! Gas oh lord ! I'm a mess... Dr found blood in urine , could be kidney stones ! Oh lord it's a fire ... Last episode Was last night from about 1am to 5 am ! It exhausting , . Hope comfort and relief come my way soon !! Please say a prayer

Friday, October 5, 2012

Well no answered to the pain

Went to see the d.r. Today no real answers ! May have kidney stones . Don't hurt all the time , but when I do the pain is intense . Hope tommorow is a better day !

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Bubbles bubbles bubbles

Sitting in tubby !
Filled with lost of bubbly
Relaxing and chillin
A bath , does a body good .
Does it?

Dr appt in the AM

Well not feeling real good about seeing the old dr tommorow ! Feeling a little apprehensive , been having pain in the old ovaries and lower back !! Could be old rectomy time lol . I just buy not funny. Well will blog you tommorow after the outcome ! Praying out loud !!!

We're have I been?

I been absent since 2009 !! Oh lord !! What a waste .... I truly have wasted time that won't come back

Friday, October 9, 2009

Life after Pa Pa Vernon

Its Raining again today in Greer ,and I am blogging about how much Vernon ,My Father has meant to me. Word can not really express them truly. He came into our live 35 years ago ,a quiet ,respectful, humble and least of all exrtremley smart! As you have most likley figured out ,he was my Step Father . The title is only a title ,because he was everthing that my two sister and I, could have asked for. My Mom Elaine married him when I was 13 ,Vicky was 14 and Jackie was 12. Wow!When I see that on this page I think......He should have run and got on the slow boat to China we all hear so much about! I would love to tell you that it was all a bowl of cherries , not true ! He was for sure baptized by fire ! We tried hard to not like him....impossible he was exactly what our Family needed, and God does know best! It was not very long after Elaine and Vernon got married my Father ,Jack Wheeler Sanders (J.W.) passsed away, and that made me want to fight harder to dislike him,still no luck God would not allow it. There is one turning point in my life that, I can recall so vividly ,when I was outside under the Carport ,sitting on Vernon's Snapper lawn mower ,with a wet head in the Winter time I was trying to boycott him ,being in charge, while Nana lane was away, for the evening. Vernon very softly opened the door and said these few words to me" Kathy I am not trying to take your Fathers place, and I never will ,You need to come in, before you get sick,and he very softly closed the door. Man, was I ever stunned ,how could I get mad at that. He was truly a gift from God to my family,and we were blessed with one more special gift on June 20 1976 ,My lil "Vernon "Tice" Stephens"Te Ti"my baby brother, who is now 33 years old ,not much of a baby anymore. I credit Tice's birth with the glue that brought us all together as a family unit. Life was good