Words to encourge me and mine through the years

We Gave Thanks

We Gave Thanks
Our family on Thanksgiving 2008

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Were have I been?

Good morning, it is a rainy day in Greer. I looked at my Blog and thought ,were has the time gone. Oh well I am back, so let me tell you a few thing that are going on in this beautiful town, We all love . What could be more restful than a day in side with old movies your loved ones and the pets? I am going to love me some rain and rest I love to just veg and pretend the the world is a place great place at all time but we all know that it just not true, for instance our town is rally around one of its own Smiley Howell who is in bitter battle for his life from Cancer! He is in Korea at this moment. waiting for stem cell treatment, this little PO dunk town has come out in record number, to support him with Prayers and money. I am really proud to call Greer's people my Towns people ! I am always in aw of what God can do if we just let him move freely in our hearts and our minds .
John-Nick's last football game is this morning at 10:30 if the rain lets up. It is not looking good for the Home team . He has also been sleeping in his bed and it is not a good thing for him. He hates it. I love it I have made it back to my bed for the first time in maybe five years. Wow that's along time and I cant not believe we let that happen . It so easy to just get caught up in what is easy with your kids but that is not what they need or us either. It does feel good to be normal again and not let my child have the master bed room while I sleep in his room,oh well who says you get to old to learn new tricks , I am still learning at age 46;" ouch that hurt to write" but it is true an I know age is really just a number. after you hit about 35 . I still do love my Life even though I would really love to make some positive change for the good but I'm still in a good place right now , God is good God is great that is a true little diddy that we all just chant along with the kids ,but it is so true .I just need to really listen and believe and step up to his mission in my Life and move and move and move. God don't like lazy and Ugly and sometimes I am both. talk to ya later Trust the Lord on High and the man he allowed to be appointed to that High Office we call President and move on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God don't do mistakes !!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Am I really doing this

Am I really doing this? well.. well.. here I am trying to be Blogger! go figure...I cant seem to shut up to my Family and Friends, and cant think of thing to write that would be Worth someones time to read, so I am will give you a little back ground info on the
big kathy hannah
okie dokie. Life is full of little ups and downs for the Hannah Family and the Sanders Family, (that's my Maiden name).We seem to be our own worst enemy. I cant quiet grasp the concept that we look normal on the outside but boy...... when you look little deeper man... do you get a shocker!We have issues from Lord knows were,We don't even know who to blame !!! All I know is that is goes back along long way. I wonder a lot of time why I feel the urge to over eat. I really wished I knew . I can tell you that my Childhood was definitely not normal and I almost sure that We would be labeled what is now called THE DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILY back then We were the girls that had, no Mom or Dad we had a Granny and laine. Laine name is really Elaine but we always call here Laine is also who I was named after her I am Kathy Elaine Sanders Hannah what a name .I think I am kinda liken this blogging thing, its away of venting to yourself .I owe a lot to both, Granny and Laine they kept us girls together, my sister Vicky and Jackie .Vicky was three when Mom died and I was two, and Jackie was nine months ,man that had to be hard for my Mom to go and leave us ! She must have been very strong,She knew she was dying and she told My Granny and Laine to" met her In heaven with Her Three Little Girls"
And we all plan keeping that promise, so much for that maybe I just answered my on question about why I eat to much it could be because I fear what coming tomorrow who knows only God truly knows as I keep searching it out I will be Praying and if you are reading .. Please pray too.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Am I really doing this

Today is Friday and I am so glad. The only day that I know that is better than Friday is ........
The first day of your family vacation . I am real scared about this Blog thing,I am not little ms.
correct speaking and perfect in anyway as a matter of fact ,but I guess you can give me c+ for effort.
My Friend has really encouraged me to do this ,so I will give it a whirl, what do I have to lose .I lost my mind many moons ago when I became some ones Mom there names are Blake ,Tori,
and John-Nicholas Hannah don't get me wrong its the greatest joy that you can have but its also the hardest joyful job that you could ever undertake!! My Granny told me when I was expecting my Blake, and I was complaining about being Preggie she said" You better live for yourself now because, when that Baby is born ,you won't ever live for yourself again". Boy was She right !
I never got to tell her that and She would have loved to have heard that because ,She loved being right. kind of a family trait you think? I would not trade my walk in this life for anything .I am Blessed and highly Favored! I think if you have a place to lay your head and food to eat, you my friend are also blessed and highly favored , so look up my Friend good times are coming just keep looking up.