Words to encourge me and mine through the years

We Gave Thanks

We Gave Thanks
Our family on Thanksgiving 2008

Friday, September 12, 2008

Am I really doing this

Today is Friday and I am so glad. The only day that I know that is better than Friday is ........
The first day of your family vacation . I am real scared about this Blog thing,I am not little ms.
correct speaking and perfect in anyway as a matter of fact ,but I guess you can give me c+ for effort.
My Friend has really encouraged me to do this ,so I will give it a whirl, what do I have to lose .I lost my mind many moons ago when I became some ones Mom there names are Blake ,Tori,
and John-Nicholas Hannah don't get me wrong its the greatest joy that you can have but its also the hardest joyful job that you could ever undertake!! My Granny told me when I was expecting my Blake, and I was complaining about being Preggie she said" You better live for yourself now because, when that Baby is born ,you won't ever live for yourself again". Boy was She right !
I never got to tell her that and She would have loved to have heard that because ,She loved being right. kind of a family trait you think? I would not trade my walk in this life for anything .I am Blessed and highly Favored! I think if you have a place to lay your head and food to eat, you my friend are also blessed and highly favored , so look up my Friend good times are coming just keep looking up.

1 comment:

Michelle Collins said...

I'm so glad you started a blog! I can't wait for future posts! I love you and your fam so much-xoxo